Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Investigating The Murder Of Jones Essay - 1439 Words

I will evaluate the murder of Jones. I will talk about how Jason was convicted of murder in the second degree and got six years in prison. I will analyze and discuss the damaging effects of corruption on law enforcement by relating the issue of murder to the arrest of a law enforcement officer for a high – profile crime – property, violent, or white collar. I will explain how a officer s choice and behavior can affect an entire law enforcement agency. I will explain how the choice can also affect the reputation of the community, finding of the agency, and other community or criminal justice-related issues. I will discuss how the legislature defines criminal behavior and how money influences every decision they make for the criminal justice system daily functions. I will suggest a plan on how Centervale s criminal justice professionals can help to bridge the gap between legislature and the citizens by bringing more awareness about legislature that might affect them befor e it is signed into law (that is, public safety legislation, and crime control legislation). I will support my position on the early release of violent offenders from prison with criminal justice, research on recidivism and other pertinent topics, such as budgetary constraints. I will also talk about the fear of crime that citizens have brought to the Mayor and other city officials from the violent crime stand point. I will also recommend and support my research with examples from Centervale officials,Show MoreRelatedThe Assassination Of Timothy Mcveigh1509 Words   |  7 Pagestook the lives of over 900 innocent people (The Stigmatized Deaths in Jonestown†¦ 42). And the man behind this inexcusable act was none other than cult mysterious leader Jim Jones. 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